June 18, 2023
An Election – Not An Auction
Thank you for coming out today in one of Heartland New Zealand’s most successful towns, and for the chance to speak with you. Cambridge is at the centre of the Waikato region with a proud record of...
Thank you for coming out today in one of Heartland New Zealand’s most successful towns, and for the chance to speak with you. Cambridge is at the centre of the Waikato region with a proud record of...
The Prime Minister needs to officially designate the Mongrel Mob and all other known gangs in New Zealand as official ‘terrorist entities’ under the Terrorism Suppression Act 2022. If the Prime Mi...
Since yesterday I have had a number of calls concerning political 'opinion' columnist Andrea Vance and her article about the role of third parties in the upcoming election. Vance laid bare both her...
Madam President, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for your invitation to speak with you today. Many of you will remember acutely the New Zealand that used to be in comparison to what we have become ...
What is going wrong with this country when a Minister gets punished for stupidity but not for his blatant incompetence? Minister Wood has a history of costing taxpayers millions of dollars with har...
The Independent Electoral Review out today has included a recommendation to ‘affect the Treaty of Waitangi and its Principles’ and make it one of the Act’s ‘explicit objectives’. What ‘principl...
Focussed immigration has always been essential to our future, but New Zealanders need to be aware of the immediate dire situation our government is putting us in with a predicted record of one hund...
Covid-19 was a singular test of the World Health Organisation and every country’s preparedness. The initial response showed a lack of preparedness at WHO and in many countries, including New Zealan...
During New Zealand First coalition negotiations our policy was to train and resource 1800 new frontline police. We secured this coalition policy win to ensure our streets had a police force that co...
Katie Kenny from Stuff published an article today with a lazy attempt at so-called ‘fact checking’ my recent comments on the World Health Organisation’s concerning new regulations being developed. ...