About Us
- Our Caucus
Casey Costello: What Once Was...
Entering politics is a privilege afforded to very few and, as the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility.
Being an MP is a call to service.
Whatever your politics you have a duty to show up.
Whatever your party's policy, you have made a promise to those who voted for you or your party to find a way to get the promises you made woven into the program of work. There may be compromise and it may not be possible to get everything you want but you keep trying.
Sometimes that means you must put aside ego and self-promotion for the greater good.
What is clear in the 54th Parliament of New Zealand is that Te Pati Māori are not the wise heads we have previously known.
There are only attacks and posturing; noise and rhetoric; narrative without substance. Solutions do not come from making everyone the enemy, or diving kiwis from one another.
New Zealand First knows there are solutions, we have been responsible for delivering many of them. Te Pati Māori does not have exclusive rights on Māori representation.
Māori deserve more than posturing. We want outcomes, not narratives.