- Our Caucus
Our People
New Zealand First is a non-profit democratic political party uniquely structured to meet the needs of its members and supporters. This structure allows our people to organise our volunteers at the local, regional, and nation-wide level to advance the Party's political mission.
New Zealand First Board
As the governing body of New Zealand First, the Board is charged with maintaining the prosperity of the Party and securing its future.
Committees and Councils
Members' Council
As a large grassroots volunteer organisation, our Members' Council provides an important nation-wide day to day structural representation for our party’s members and supporters.
The Members’ Council comprises the Party President, Party Secretary, each of the Regional Chairs, and the Chair of Young New Zealand First.
Regional committees
Each local committee and electorate is supported by one of three regional committees, which are the management bodies of New Zealand First. The chairperson of each regional committee represents their region on the Members' Council - the nation-wide organisational body of the Party.
Local committees
New Zealand First is a grassroots organisation focussed on connecting with the various local communities across the country. Our local committees connect with our members and supporters, coordinate local events, and support candidates in electorates during a general election. To find a local committee near you, contact one of our regional chairs for more information.
Young New Zealand First
New Zealand First members aged 30 years and under can choose to be involved with the Party's youth wing. Young New Zealand First focuses on issues that affect the future leaders of our country, providing a place for Young New Zealanders to associate in the party. The Chairperson of Young New Zealand First is a member of the Members' Council.
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