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Grave Disquiet Over Pike River Development
“The news today that two bodies have been found and photographed at Pike River is a development that raises more questions than answers,” says Winston Peters Leader of New Zealand First.
“Until the Pike River disaster, over centuries of mining tragedies in New Zealand all but two bodies involved in fatal accidents had been recovered.”
“That was one more reason why re-entry into Pike River was always critical for the 29 men as well as their families and loved ones.”
“The real question now is why on earth was the mine sealed before the borehole sites could be explored?”
“Also, why has it taken eleven years to get cameras down the bore holes to gain the imagery of the accident site that has been revealed today?”
“If imagery is with the clarity that the police claimed today, then it means that the site was and is recoverable.”
“The discovery disclosed today is at the furthest part of the mine from the entrance.”
“New Zealanders and the Pike River families have had to witness two tragedies, first the loss of 29 miners, second, the way this matter has been handled since re-entry was made a commitment of the new government in 2017.”
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