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Mallard's Wrongful Actions Must Be Held To Account
After being contacted by the media, and checking my emails, not the doorstep, I have learnt that the trespass notice issued to me has been withdrawn as at 1:39pm today.
It should not have taken the threat of a judicial review for the speaker to come to his senses and an understanding of the law that he wanted to enforce.
This whole issue from the start to finish has been an absolute shambles, and has caused a number of people unnecessary anguish and expense.
Given that the number of trespass notices that were issued was a total of 151 people, of which 144 were arrested, and five of the seven remaining were former MPs, this means that this was always political.
This is not, and should not, be a matter of special treatment for former Members of Parliament. This is a matter of fairness and standing up for freedoms and democracy.
So where is the accountability for this action?
We will continue with an Official Information Act request as to who, what, when, how, and why this has happened.
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