All Gangs Should Be Designated Terrorist Entities

The Prime Minister needs to officially designate the Mongrel Mob and all other known gangs in New Zealand as official ‘terrorist entities’ under the Terrorism Suppression Act 2022. 

Police will then have the resources and powers to properly enforce the law and prosecute any gang member, person involved with any gangs, anyone funding, supporting, or organising gangs will automatically be facing up to seven years imprisonment.  They should be wiped off our streets.

The continued increase in gang violence, shootings, intimidation, peddling of meth, and utter lawlessness must end. 

The Prime Minister has the power under the Terrorism Suppression Act 2022 to designate individuals or groups as terrorist entities. 

Gangs are a blight on our society and do nothing but seek to profit and power off the misery and intimidation of law abiding kiwis.  They continue to terrorise kiwis and we have had a gutsful of the deterioration of law and order they bring with them.

That is why we are launching a petition calling for all gangs to be designated 'terrorist entities' under the Terrorism Suppression Act 2022.


Just started
Goal: 5000 signature

New Zealand First calls for all gangs to be designated 'terrorist entities' under the Terrorism Suppression Act 2022The Prime Minister has the power under the Terrorism Suppression Act 2022 to designate individuals or groups as terrorist entities. 

The continued increase in gang violence, shootings, intimidation, peddling of meth, and utter lawlessness must end. 

Gangs are a blight on our society and do nothing but seek to profit and power off the misery and intimidation of law abiding kiwis.  They continue to terrorise kiwis and we have had a gutsful of the deterioration of law and order they bring with them.

Sign in support to return New Zealand to what it used to be - a nation where the rights and freedoms of law-abiding citizens are not impeded on by lawless thugs. 

Will you sign?