NZ First Member’s Bill To Disestablish Auckland Transport

Today New Zealand First has introduced a Member’s Bill that will restore democratic control over transport management in Auckland City by disestablishing Auckland Transport (AT) and returning control to Auckland Council.

The ‘Local Government (Auckland Council) (Disestablishment of Auckland Transport) Amendment Bill’ intends to restore democratic oversight, control, and accountability to Auckland’s transport decisions, ensuring that decision making resides with elected representatives. 

“This Bill is about bringing democratic accountability back to Auckland’s transport system,” says New Zealand First Leader Rt Hon Winston Peters.

“Auckland’ transport system is in disarray with very little input or influence by the sitting Council. 

“AT has been a failed experiment from the start.”

“It has held too much power, with insufficient accountability to the Council and to the people of Auckland. This Bill will restore that balance, ensuring that decisions are made by those who are directly accountable to the public.” 

Aucklanders deserve a transport system that addresses their needs and is governed by those they have elected to represent them. 

By disestablishing Auckland Transport, the Bill allows for the creation of a new council-controlled organisation, which will be subject to the existing provisions under the Local Government Act 2002.

“Every Aucklander should have confidence that their city’s transport system is being managed with transparency and democratic integrity.”

With a one-year delay in commencement, the Bill allows Auckland Council sufficient time to establish new governance structures.

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