Our story

New Zealand First was formed in 1993 to represent those New Zealanders concerned about the social and economic direction of our country, and who were seeking pragmatic, common sense representation in Parliament.

In 1990 the National Party was elected with the largest government majority in New Zealand history. Attaining two thirds of the seats in parliament, it was seen as a rejection of the neoliberal policies of the fourth Labour government. However, the fourth National government would continue with policies along the same lines.

As a Cabinet Minister, Rt Hon Winston Peters spoke out against the economic policies continued by Minister of Finance Ruth Richardson. Mr Peters was soon dropped from Cabinet but he continued to question the neoliberal policy agenda and resigned from the National Party leading up to the 1993 general election.

A by-election in Tauranga was triggered and Mr Peters regained the seat as an independent by the highest margin (91%) of any election, after having held the seat since 1981.

A meeting was then held at the Auckland town hall about future steps, and on July 18 1993, New Zealand First was formed at Alexandra Park. 

The Party was founded on “Fifteen Fundamental Principles” that emphasise accountable and transparent government, commonsense social and economic policy, and placing the interests of our country and its people at the forefront of Government decision making. 

As a grassroots movement, New Zealand First is committed to representing forgotten New Zealanders and advocating for support by connecting with the various communities across the country.

Today, New Zealand First is a party that focuses on pragmatism and commonsense in the wake of extreme political ideological and bureaucratic capture of successive governments. 

New Zealand First secured eight seats in Parliament after the 2023 General Election and formed a coalition Government with the National and ACT parties. Four of our caucus members hold Ministerial roles, three of whom sit in Cabinet.

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