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New Zealand First is bringing back balance and commonsense to the leadership conversation in New Zealand. If you like our message please help us spread it to a wider audience.
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Labour’s new ‘farm emissions scheme’ is an out of touch policy that will hit both Maori and non-Maori alike - regardless of race.
Labour’s new ‘farm emissions scheme’ is an out of touch policy that will hit both Maori and non-Maori alike - regardless of race.
How can just the farmers of a Maori background be at a disadvantage and receive taxpayer assistance to meet those targets but not non-Maori farmers?
Labour’s separatist agenda is now so overt it should frighten every New Zealander who cares about the future of our democracy.
Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta’s move to make it mandatory for councils to consider introducing Maori Wards is unconstitutional and depicts a seismic shift in our democracy.
This is straight out of Stalin's ‘How-To’ guide.
We are not only going to campaign against this totalitarian overreach, we will campaign to repeal this legislation altogether.
New Zealanders need to understand that Labour is now removing our country’s democracy by stealth - and clearly they don’t care about the stealth.
They first took the citizens initiated referendum away from local voters deciding if they wanted Maori Wards on their council, now they intend to dictate that councils will have it on their agenda.
This is deliberately designed to force local representatives to publicly discuss and decide on the topics that Labour want them to discuss.
What is inevitable, is the vitriol from the cancel culture elite if councils decide not to include Maori Wards.
Labour’s separatist agenda is now so overt it should frighten every New Zealander who cares about the future of our democracy.
It's time we bring back experience to government.
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We need to have laws that protect our first responders instead of a system that treats the criminals who attack them like victims.
We need to have laws that protect our first responders instead of a system that treats the criminals who attack them like victims.
Over the past few years attacks on paramedics, corrections, ED nurses, fire and police officers have all increased.
If people attack our first responders they should face mandatory jail time. We can’t continue to have a system that has a penchant for giving hugs to violent criminals.
NZFirst introduced the Protection for First Responders Bill last term which brought in minimum mandatory jail sentences for assaults on first responders. All other parties stopped it progressing.
There needs to be action showing that society will no longer put up with these attacks and we value the job our first responders do.
It's time we bring back experience to government.
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We will repeal this Maori Ward legislation altogether
Will you sign the petition…
Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta’s move to make it mandatory for councils to consider introducing Maori Wards is unconstitutional and depicts a seismic shift in our democracy.
We will repeal this Maori Ward legislation altogether.
Click the link and sign the petition below if you support giving local voters their democracy back…
It's time we bring back experience to government.
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We could have hundreds if not thousands of GPS, nurses, and midwives back on the job tomorrow if Andrew Little dropped the mandates.
We could have hundreds if not thousands of GPS, nurses, and midwives back on the job tomorrow if Andrew Little dropped the mandates.
We have a crisis in the health system with a dire shortage of frontline workers and yet he refuses to address the mandated elephant in the room.
There is no logic in keeping these workers away from the desperately needed jobs - just a vindictive stubbornness.
The fact he thinks it’s a good idea instead to use Shortland Street to recruit workers should make everyone worry about the crisis being fixed any time soon.
It's time we bring back experience to government.
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Unelected iwi positions with full voting rights and power - a deception which Willie Jackson conveniently calls ‘a maturing of democracy’.
During a time when Maori, like many other kiwis, suffer from the lack of housing, health, first world education, and decent wages, the Labour Maori caucus are in a race to the bottom with the Maori Party and a Maori elite by legislating for unelected iwi representation on a democratically elected Environment Canterbury board.
Unelected iwi positions with full voting rights and power - a deception which Willie Jackson conveniently calls ‘a maturing of democracy’.
The vast majority of Maori will get nothing from this.
And when did Labour ask you if they could change our democracy?
Kiwis need to wake up and understand this racist divide they are creating is a deliberate and calculated dismantling of our ‘one person one vote’ democracy as we know it.
It's time we bring back experience to government.
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The fact Willie loudly announced that New Zealanders now “live in a new democracy” is frankly astonishing
Willie Jackson yesterday decided to write an opinion piece in the Herald trying to justify his party’s push for apartheid in our country via co-governance.
The fact Willie loudly announced that New Zealanders now “live in a new democracy” is frankly astonishing.
His typical ‘racists’ pot-shot was followed by an extraordinary accusation of ‘Kiwi ignorance’.
The only ignorance being shown is by Willie. He has conveniently forgotten his own elders fought against these same types of separatist laws in other countries that ended up with apartheid regimes - yet he has the temerity to now force it upon New Zealanders.
It's time we bring back experience to government.
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The disconnect from the liberal elite’s woke cultural agenda and what happens in the real world is now all on show
The fact that they are struggling to get candidates to stand in the newly established Maori Wards is a total rebuttal for needing them in the first place.
Across the country they are struggling to find Maori candidates to even put their nominations in for the General Wards - with the likes of New Plymouth as of yesterday having no nominations at all for its Maori Ward.
This push for establishing this separatist representation has not only been an abject failure but it exposes the blatant deceit used by those arguing for the wards in the first place.
The disconnect from the liberal elite’s woke cultural agenda and what happens in the real world is now all on show.
It's time we bring back experience to government.
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There needs to be consequences for parents in these cases as much as there needs to be consequences for the youth
Good parents are what makes great societies and wise governments understand that. So when we see day after day more ram raids and robberies around the country committed by teens we must question what the parents are doing.
There needs to be consequences for parents in these cases as much as there needs to be consequences for the youth.
It is no secret that truancy, education, and home life play pivotal roles in teenagers lives - this shouldn’t be just the states responsibility.
The fact is these parents need to have responsibility for their kids lives and stop willingly handing them over to a future of gangs and crime - there was a time when New Zealand governments understood that.
It's time we bring back experience to government.
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Our society will never rid ourselves of our youth crime problem if this government’s answer is now introducing well-being boards
A teenager who raped four fifteen year old girls and sexually violated another has been sentenced to just nine months home detention.
I wonder if he is going to go in front of the “social well-being board” as part of the governments new youth crime strategy to get his hug and wrap around support.
Our society will never rid ourselves of our youth crime problem if this government’s answer is now introducing well-being boards, social support, and wrap around services for youth criminals and nothing to do with justice, accountability, or serious consequences.
The starting point for this crime is years in prison - especially when the rapist was assessed as a medium chance of reoffending and still minimising his actions - yet he gets a few months home detention.
Five woman have had their lives ruined and our justice system provides no sense of justice or accountability either to them or their parents who have to face long term agonising financial and emotional costs.
For those who want to defend this teen and his sentence - what if it was your daughter?
It's time we bring back experience to government.
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People are sick and tired of these never-ending wokester solutions
How has Labour allowed New Zealand in two short years to go from a largely safe, law abiding society, to now experiencing robberies, ram raids, gang shootings, and out of control youth crime on our streets nearly every day.
People are sick and tired of these never-ending wokester solutions like ‘wrap around services’ and ‘community well-being boards’ that simply do not work.
These out of touch liberal elites who live in their leafy suburbs seem to think the solutions are deep within sociology department text books rather than having any understanding of what works in the real world - serious consequences, law enforcement, and individual accountability.
It's time we bring back experience to government.
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Our message is to highlight the systemic failures of this government
On Sunday in Tauranga we had the second in a series of meetings we are holding around the country and it was great to have yet another packed hall.
Our message is to highlight the systemic failures of this govt, the insidious separatist agenda, and to set out on a pathway to right the wrongs for our country.
When we continue to pack the halls and run out of seats like we did in Warkworth and Tauranga - and will again next in Christchurch, the main stream media and fellow shills might pay attention and see that kiwis have had enough.
It's time we bring back experience to government.
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Youth crime is coming to a tipping point in our country where there will be serious consequences for New Zealanders if we continue to believe ‘there’s nothing to see here
The Herald has a story today suggesting that because the stats show that “the number of children before the courts has actually declined in recent years” that it is evidence “youth crime has declined”.
All those stats show is the ‘catch and release’ policy successive governments have employed with youth over the past decade - if they don’t get prosecuted and put through court they don’t get counted in the stats.
Youth crime is coming to a tipping point in our country where there will be serious consequences for New Zealanders if we continue to believe ‘there’s nothing to see here.
It's time we bring back experience to government.
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How about ‘Road to Zero Potholes’ instead?
How about ‘Road to Zero Potholes’ instead?
NZTA should focus on the basics like fixing our roads instead of on woke tv advertisements and a bloated bureaucracy. How about they focus on a “Road to Zero Potholes” campaign .
Click the link below to sign a petition and show support…demand NZTA focus on the “Road to Zero Potholes”.
It's time we bring back experience to government.
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Labour has done nothing since this youth crime wave has exploded
What’s one thing this government is actually doing to stop this out of control youth crime wave? These teens are getting worse and the government just wants to focus on their woke ‘be kind’ narrative. Newsflash - it’s not working.
There were even more ram raids and burglaries overnight committed by teens who are now so brazen they think they can rob these places with impunity - because in most cases they do.
Labour has done nothing since this youth crime wave has exploded except continue with things like ‘community well-being panels’. They should go and let the dairy owners know how ‘being kind’ is working for them when they’ve just been robbed for the fifth time this year.
It's time we bring back experience to government.
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We have these cultural Marxists in our country attempting to cancel anything that threatens their delusional ideology
'Creative NZ’ has just cancelled Shakespeare stating that “the proposal did not demonstrate the relevance to the contemporary art context of Aotearoa in this time and place and landscape.”
What that really means is these overpaid sickly liberal bureaucratic wokester morons, have decided that “colonial Shakespeare doesn’t fit the current political cultural and social engineering programme being rammed down our throats”.
For centuries countless countries around the world have respected Shakespeare and the learnings and culture it brings to society. Now we have these cultural Marxists in our country attempting to cancel anything that threatens their delusional ideology.
What is New Zealand turning into?
It's time we bring back experience to government.
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What is our society turning into when we have these kind of lowlifes robbing David Letele’s community food-bank?
What is our society turning into when we have these kind of lowlifes robbing David Letele’s community food-bank?
We need more good people like Dave who provides those thieves own families with food support. Those families know who they are, and in doing nothing just encourage more of this lawlessness.
These morally devoid gutter dwellers who commit these crimes are just becoming more and more emboldened with the total lack of action from the government.
Labour need to focus less on cancelling Shakespeare and more on fixing potholes and stopping crime.
It's time we bring back experience to government.
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Our representative roles overseas should be held by seriously qualified and experienced foreign affairs personnel
Why is the PM showing utter contempt for the people of New Zealand and Ireland promoting Mallard as a representative and ambassador with his proven unreasonable, irrational, and unjustified behaviour?
His behaviour, ruled in the High Court, has cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands and his ‘jobs for the boys’ post to Ireland will waste even more.
Our representative roles overseas should be held by seriously qualified and experienced foreign affairs personnel - not be used as a severance package for witless and tactless MPs.
It's time we bring back experience to government.
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It never has been Aotearoa. In fact that word is a colonialist construct penned in the 1880s.
The Maori Party’s premise for its petition begins with a lie about ‘restoring’ our country’s name to Aotearoa.
It never has been Aotearoa. In fact that word is a colonialist construct penned in the 1880s. Go and ask the South Island’s Ngai Tahu who have never accepted that to be our country’s name.
It is New Zealand.
Labour have a majority government. Perhaps they should do something useful for Maori and fix the housing, health, education, and poverty issues - instead of entertaining a pet project from a bunch of cultural separatists who want to re-write history.
It's time we bring back experience to government.
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