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Tanya Unkovich: It’s time to start the debate on palliative care as a ‘right’
There is one topic that is the great human leveller, and that is of death and dying. One day, we will all have to face it, and I am of the belief that being able to pass away with grace and dignity is a vital, basic, human right. How we face it, and what we have access to during our final act, can be the difference between suffering, and dignity.
Which is why during my first year of being a parliamentarian I have taken the time to visit as many Hospices I can, to hear first-hand, what is really going on, and what they need, in order to ensure everyone has access to the right care.
Being beside loved ones during the end stage of their lives, as they take their final breath, I consider to be one of life's greatest privileges.
To not run from the pain, but be present with it, and have the appropriate support, is vital for family during this most difficult time, and, for the months to come.
It's time to start the debate on implementing palliative care as a 'right'.
All of these issues are why I have presented my Member's Bill, 'Improving Access to Palliative Care' to the ballot.
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