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- Our Caucus
Unelected iwi positions with full voting rights and power - a deception which Willie Jackson conveniently calls ‘a maturing of democracy’.
During a time when Maori, like many other kiwis, suffer from the lack of housing, health, first world education, and decent wages, the Labour Maori caucus are in a race to the bottom with the Maori Party and a Maori elite by legislating for unelected iwi representation on a democratically elected Environment Canterbury board.
Unelected iwi positions with full voting rights and power - a deception which Willie Jackson conveniently calls ‘a maturing of democracy’.
The vast majority of Maori will get nothing from this.
And when did Labour ask you if they could change our democracy?
Kiwis need to wake up and understand this racist divide they are creating is a deliberate and calculated dismantling of our ‘one person one vote’ democracy as we know it.
It's time we bring back experience to government.
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