Jenny Marcroft

List MP - Kaipara ki Mahurangi

Jenny Marcroft

List MP - Kaipara ki Mahurangi

Parliamentary Under-Secretary to the Minister for Media and Communications

Minister of Oceans and Fisheries

Jenny Marcroft is a New Zealand First List MP based in Kaipara Ki Mahurangi, and is the Parliamentary Under-Secretary to the Minister for Media and Communications, and the Minister for Oceans and Fisheries. She is also a member of the Health Select Committee.

Along with a 30-year career in radio and television, Jenny brings experience in health and the environment, including an interest in climate change adaptation.

Jenny worked for a Primary Health Organisation after leaving parliament in 2020, further deepening her knowledge of the health sector. Additionally, she went back into media part-time in the Mediaworks newsroom and most recently, worked in the Auckland Mayor’s office as part of his transition team.

After growing up in Rotorua, Jenny has spent the last 20 years in the Rodney district, and is now based in Matakana. She previously served as a Member of Parliament in the New Zealand First caucus from 2017-2020.


Spokesperson for

  • Health
  • Primary Care
  • PHARMAC & Medicines
  • ACC
  • Auckland Issues
  • Women’s Affairs
  • Arts, Culture, Heritage
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