Christchurch Policy Announcements

New Zealand First Policy Announcement.

  • New Zealand First is announcing a policy to prepare a bid to hold the 2026 Commonwealth Games in Christchurch.
  • Last week Victoria pulled out of the commonwealth games in 2026, as did Alberta for the 2030 games.
  • The Commonwealth is comprised of 56 countries - far more than half of a majority in the UN.
  • Using the fiscal planning of the 1988 Los Angeles Olympic Games, which ran at a profit, we could rightly ask the Commonwealth for financial help, and have the 2026 Commonwealth Games in Christchurch - as we once did in 1974.
  • It is an opportunity to showcase Christchurch and the South Island to the Commonwealth and the rest of the world.
  • Organised properly, along the lines of the Los Angeles Olympic Games, it won’t be a cost, but a benefit, with the infrastructure lasting for decades.
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