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New Plymouth Policy Announcement
Ministry for Energy
- New Zealand First will establish a Ministry for Energy
- New Zealand First will establish a Fuel Security Plan
- New Zealand needs a Fuel Security Plan. A way of joining together all the actions required to ensure the country is appropriately protected. It needs a plan to deliver the transport services NZ must maintain through any fuel supply disruption.
- The plan will be developed by assessing the options, how quickly each could be made available, their reliability, and their cost. This includes looking at how New Zealand can diversify its fuel mix for greater security. How for example electric trucks can be introduced to the fleet.
- A particular focus would be emergency services and also the lifeline services that maintain our critical infrastructure - such as power and water. As well as getting priority fuel allocation during any short-term disruption, they need to be able to handle any form of crisis and over a prolonged period.
- There also needs to be a focus on other essential services – from food production and distribution to those that keep the nation’s key exporters moving. And the plan would look at what needs to be done immediately and what capabilities it makes sense to develop over time.
- Different mixes of fuels and the infrastructure to support these will be appropriate at different times so it is important to plan and update for this.
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