New Zealand First has demonstrated their commitment to defending democracy and equality before the law with their candidate announcement of Casey Costello.

Casey has been a spokesperson for Hobson’s Pledge for the last seven years and has been instrumental in pushing back against an agenda of race-based division that is being used to distract New Zealanders for the real issues.

“Casey is a natural fit for New Zealand First - the only party that has been steadfast in our opposition to Māori being used as a political platform to divide our country,” says New Zealand First Leader Winston Peters.

Proudly acknowledging both her Ngāti Wai/Ngapuhi and Anglo-Irish ancestry Casey brings an outstanding knowledge of the important issues facing New Zealand along with the dedication, courage and commitment to stand against formidable forces that seek to silence critics.

“New Zealand First exists because we put what is best for New Zealand and New Zealanders at the heart of what we do. Casey’s work and willingness to defend our democracy has been uncompromising and we are thrilled to have her joining us.”

“We know that whilst this racist, separatist pathway is followed the biggest victims will be ordinary Māori. Māori are not a separate class of New Zealanders. We all want affordable housing, access to a good health system, wide access to educational training and first world jobs. That does not change based upon whakapapa or ancestry” says Mr Peters.

Not afraid of hard work Casey has had a successful career in the New Zealand Police leaving as a Detective Sergeant and Vice-President of the Police Association.

Living and working most of her life in South Auckland Casey has held a range of successful managerial roles in the security and construction industries including being responsible for security at Parliament a number of years ago. Most recently Casey has been running her own business and advocating for victims of migrant exploitation in New Zealand.

“I am incredibly proud to be a candidate for New Zealand First, and excited to be with a party that has the courage to defend our democracy, not just now that it has become a political hot-potato, but for the last 30 years,” says Casey.

Mr Peters has made it clear that New Zealand First will be back in Parliament after this election – “we are proud of the quality of our candidates who will be able to hit the ground running and do the hard work needed to bring back balance.”

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