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Sadness At The Passing Of A Great New Zealander - Sir Wira Gardiner
“Sir Wira Gardiner was a great New Zealander with a very distinguished record in military, public, and business life.” says the Rt. Hon Winston Peters.
"Coming from a very large family and economic hardship he nevertheless distinguished himself in academia and in the many roles he filled in an exemplary public life."
"Despite his training he was an extraordinary practical yet visionary personality and trusted across the political divide. In particular, Wira had great plans for Māori youth and his record of achievement when examined closely is an exceptional one. If there are great role models then Sir Wira is certainly one of them."
"Our heartfelt condolences go to Hekia, to his family and wider whanau. That said, this is also a time to celebrate a life so meaningfully lived. So many of us will remember and miss him being deeply indebted to an exceptional personality," says Mr Peters.
"Any plaudits Sir Wira receives at this time, in his case, are thoroughly deserved."
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